La Navidad es una de las épocas más esperadas del año, llena de emociones, sentimientos, encuentros y la promesa de momentos inigualables...
For creative people, going to school to learn more about something that truly interests them sounds ideal. That is, until they’re met with...
The 2024 Paris Summer Olympics concluded on Aug. 11 with the traditional closing ceremony and star spangled banner waving from the hands of 14-time...
Grammarly was recently blocked for student use in FISD. FISD staff made this decision because grammarly is a form of artificial intelligence...
Flex is a time for students to catch up on homework, socialize, attend tutorials and engage in club activities. The 40 minute period is necessary...
Throughout high school, on top of the required classes to graduate, students get to pick the levels of classes they take, including four elective...