Good Chemistry: Mr. Ector Lopez

Mr. Lopez + Chemistry + Students = Winning Formula


Mr. Lopez teaches his students how to balance chemical equations.

Mr. Ector Lopez has been teaching at Frisco High School since 2015. Many of his students were in elementary or middle school seven years ago. He is sometimes known as FHS’s “most sarcastic” teacher, because of his wry sense of humor. Even so, Mr. Lopez believes that teaching has taught him some important lessons.

His life has taken many turns. Mr. Lopez did not go to school to become a Chemistry teacher. “I had a degree in Business.” he said. “I began teaching here as a co- teacher for history seven years ago. I learned that I was about to be transferred to Reedy, but I wanted to stay at Frisco High.  I offerred to teach another subject.” That seemed to work. Soon after, Mr. Lopez was assigned to teach Chemistry classes which allowed him to stay.

Down deep, Mr. Lopez had always had a desire to teach. After college, he had different jobs. He recalls being a banker with a passion to teach. Once he realized his wish, he found teaching gratifying. He also learned that teaching has its challenges such as  “constant meetings.”

Meetings and filling out forms became the least of his worries. Recently, Mr. Lopez has displayed peseverance and courage while dealing with a medical challenge. Last year, he was diagnosed with tonsil cancer, but beat it while continuing to teach. Not only was Mr. Lopez teaching his students chemistry, but he was proving to them that we can get through the toughest battles.